
Calaguala Extract
"Colmenares San Jose"

120 mL. bottle

Availability: In stock

Description: It is a historically plant used for medicinal purposes. Stems and roots of male fern are used. Fight skin diseases.

Effective action: Psoriasis, dermatitis, gastritis, diarrhea, stomach pain, kidney disorders.

Dose: ADULTS ONLY: Once a day pour some water in a glass and take the same number of drops equivalent to body weight in kilos (eg 80 Kg - Take 80 drops daily).

Pasteurized Honey Bee with Royal Jelly Drink
"Colmenares San Jose"

120 mL. bottle

Availability: In stock

Description: Royal jelly is a wonderful food of the queen bee, obtained from our hives, by mass rearing of thousands of queens and stabilized for human consumption.

Effective action: Arthritis, anemia, poor school performance, climacteric disorders, physical and mental weakness, nervous in general, senile critical age, cardiovascular disease, stomach ulcer.

Dose: Adults: One tablespoon daily 10 minutes before breakfast.
Children: After two years of age , a teaspoon before breakfast.

Pasteurized Honey Bee with Nymph Drones Mixture

120 mL. bottle

Availability: In stock

Description: It is a product extracted from the hive. It is obtained from the drones larvae at 8 days old, and the beekeeper mixed with honey.

Effective action: It is a natural stimulant that fights loss of appetite, growth disorders in children, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, amenorrhea.

Dose: Adults: One tablespoon daily 10 minutes before breakfast.
Children: One teaspoon daily 10 minutes before breakfast.

Propolis Drink
in Spray

20 mL. bottle

Availability: In stock

Description: It is propolis extract, is a resinous mixture bees obtained from the buds of trees and then processed in the hive. This resin has a lot of healing properties.

Effective action: Recommended to treat pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, smoker’s cough. It is a natural antibiotic and helps boost the immune system.

Dose: Adults: A spray on each side of the throat then ingest before meals(breakfast, lunch and dinner).

IMPORTANT: The sedimentation that may arise is normal and any changes in color and flavor of the product is due to the different flowering.


  • Royal jelly solution
    "Nectar of the Queen"
    Box of 14 doses

  • Royal jelly solution
    "Nectar of the Queen"
    500 mL. bottle

  • Pasteurized Honey bee with Propolis "Colmenares San Jose"120 mL. bottle

  • Pasteurized Honey bee
    "Colmenares San Jose"
    1kg. pot



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Contact us: 315 Pomalca St. C.C. Monterrico
Santiago de Surco, Lima - Peru
+511 435 9736
 +51 999 462 427